
第九条 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity. 欧亚体育 does not tolerate discrimination or 骚扰 based on, 或与…有关的:
  • 性别认同
  • 性取向
  • 比赛
  • 种族
  • 宗教
  • 灵性
  • 能力状态
  • 受保护退伍军人身份
  • 你身份的其他部分 
  • 性骚扰
  • 性侵犯
  • 不正当的性行为
  • 人际关系/约会暴力
  • 跟踪
  • 怀孕、哺乳和育儿歧视 


第九条禁止基于性别的歧视, 包括基于怀孕和育儿状况. The college is required to provide reasonable accommodations due to pregnancy and parenting needs, 包括借口缺勤, 工作环境的变化, 或者其他参与选项.  If you feel that reasonable accommodations are not being provided, please contact OC Cares at:

cares@abteilung-3.net | 432-335-6865 | 在马刺大厦140号

  • “第九条和性别歧视.美国教育部(ED).  www2.ed.gov /关于/办公室/ / ocr / docs / tix_dis列表.html.
  • “性骚扰.美国教育部(ED). www2.ed.gov /关于/办公室/清单/ ocr /网页设计/ pro-students /问题/ sex-issue01.html.
  • “什么是性别骚扰??性别歧视,美国教育部(ED). www2.ed.gov /关于/办公室/ / ocr /网页设计/常见问题列表/性.html # sexhar1.
  • “了解你的权利:怀孕或育儿? 第九条保护你在学校免受歧视.美国教育部(ED). www2.ed.gov /关于/办公室/清单/ ocr / docs / dcl -知道权利- 201306 -标题- ix.html.


FFDA当地 -不受歧视, 骚扰, and retaliation: sex and sexual violence (students)
FFDB当地 -不受歧视, 骚扰, 报复:其他受保护的特征(学生)
DIAA当地 -不受歧视, 骚扰, and retaliation: sex and sexual violence (employees)
新地方 -不受歧视, 骚扰, 报复:其他受保护的特征(员工)


盛名的地方 -学生权利和责任:学生投诉
DGBA当地 -人事管理关系:员工不满

第九章| 9月22日, 2021 – 最近的立法, SB212, 需要 所有员工 (both 教师 and staff) at a public or private post-secondary institution to 及时报告所知的任何事故 性侵犯, 性骚扰, 约会暴力, or stalking "committed by or against a person who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the institution at the time of the incident." 

SB212已经 strong criminal and administrative penalties for not complying with the law. 员工 failing to report incidents 性侵犯 can be 负责d with a Class B Misdemeanor and terminated. 如果这个人故意 掩盖这一事件,他们还可能面临a级轻罪 负责. 此外, the college may also face a disciplinary action as a failure to comply with the bill’s requirements and could incur as much as a $2 million penalty. 

做报告的员工, 或者协助调查一份报告, 受法例保护吗. The legislation has only two exceptions for requiring reports of 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力或跟踪:

  • if you are the victim of 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力 or stalking; or
  • if the disclosure is made at a public awareness event sponsored by the college or college-affiliated student organization. 

请使用 不正当的性行为 链接在欧亚体育的主页底部报告所有信息 关于事件. The reporter must provide all information that may be relevant to the investigation. It is not incumbent on the reporter to discern which category the incident may be classified.

事先感谢您的即时支持与配合. 您是否有任何问题或需要额外的信息, 请随时与Kim McKay联系 kmckay@abteilung-3.net. We all have a responsibility to ensure that this campus and our extension centers are safe places to live, 学习, 工作和娱乐. 

Students and 员工 are encouraged to report a 第九条 violation using the college’s 性行为不端报告 当:
  • An incident has negatively affected your academics, employment, or student involvement.
  • 你担心自己或他人的安全.
  • You need assistance and support, but you do not want to disclose details or names.
  • You would like a No Contact Order to prohibit communication between you and another party.
  • 你希望学院采取行动调查此事.  
The report may be completed anonymously; however, anonymous reports mitigate the college’s ability to support the victim/complainant while providing the following interim supportive measures:
  • 学术住宿(复习时间表), 向远程学习过渡, 重新安排作业或考试的截止日期)
  • 获得医疗和心理健康服务,包括咨询
  • 校园住宿和/或餐饮的变化
  • A No Contact directive pending the outcome of an investigation (both parties have no verbal, 电子, 写, 或彼此之间的第三方通信)
  • Provide a campus escort to ensure that you can move safely between school programs and activities;
  • Assistance identifying an advocate to help secure addition resource or assistance including off-campus and community advocacy, 支援及服务.

收到 性行为不端报告 提升者 来自学院第九条协调员之一的沟通:
kmckay@abteilung-3.net | 432-335-6683 | 行政大楼 214
lbryant@abteilung-3.net 432-335-6835 |行政大楼104F室
Student and 员工 may file a 写 complaint directly with campus 第九条 Coordinators.
Please be advised the 第九条 investigation and adjudication process may include a live hearing. All parties involved, including witnesses, may be subject to cross-examination.

欧亚体育 第九条 personnel have completed specialized training in addition to the general 第九条 training available to all 教师 and staff. 已完成的培训如下:
  • 第九条修订与博士. 苏珊•施特劳斯 -认证
  • 第九条“最终规则.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) New Mandates for Higher Education and K-12 – Dr. 苏珊•施特劳斯

为了符合第九章第106条.45 (b) (10) (i) (d), the training materials used to train 欧亚体育's 第九条 personnel can be viewed 在这里A Certificate of Completion of this training by an 欧亚体育 staff member can be found 在这里.

这些材料是第九条解决方案有限责任公司的独家财产. 版权所有©2022. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by 第九条 Solutions, 有限责任公司 solely for use by this institution in compliance with Regulation 34 CFR §106.45 (b) (10) (i) (D). No other use or dissemination by this institution or any third party is authorized without the prior 写 consent of 第九条 Solutions, 有限责任公司.

The information and materials provided during this program were for educational purposes only and not intended to be legal advice. Attendees should seek independent legal advice concerning the issues presented.


欧亚体育的员工可以登录他们的自定义 高等教育工程 在线培训帐户,以获得以下第九条培训:

  • 第九条: Protecting Students and School 员工 from 性骚扰 (General Awareness)
  • 第九条: Additional Information for Coordinators, Investigators and Decision-Makers 
  • 全队咖啡和谈话:标题IX培训 
第九条大学人员培训资源可通过 欧亚体育. 单击“开始”并注册为首次用户 完成教育法第九条的培训.


欧亚体育 was established in 1989 with a Perkins State Leadership grant. 自成立以来, 欧亚体育 has been committed to empowering student success and providing exceptional professional development to higher education communities. 欧亚体育的在线课程允许员工, 教师, 兼职教授, 以及ceo们对公司的成长和发展负责, giving them the ability to personalize their 学习ing with on-demand courses. 欧亚体育提供保持学术严谨性的课程, 推动积极增长的技术知识和技能. 欧亚体育 offers members a personalized dashboard to track training and 24/7 access to over 200 hours of professional development training through its eLibrary. 每月都会发布新的课程、功能和网络研讨会.
欧亚体育 currently provides professional development programming annually to member colleges and universities across the United States, 加拿大, 并通过美国和世界各地.S. 军队和大使馆. 欧亚体育,助力学生成功!