Registrar's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


1. Where is the Records Office located?  What are your hours?

档案办公室位于索尔斯伯里校园中心201 W. University Blvd at the intersection of W. University Blvd and Robertson Ave.  They follow the campus hours; for Fall and Spring semesters, 他们是开放周一至周四上午8:00 -下午5:30和周五上午8:00 -下午1:00.  在夏季学期,他们开放周一至周四上午7:30 -下午5:30,周五关闭.


2. How may I contact the Records Office? 



3. What is FERPA? How do I allow someone access to my student records?

FERPA代表1974年的《欧亚体育》(20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). 这是一项保护学生学业记录隐私的联邦法律.  Learn about your Academic Privacy.   If you wish to allow a parent, spouse, or another person access to your academic information, you may complete the Grant Access (FERPA) form and provide your current legible state-issued ID.  在访问学生的记录之前,指定人员还需要提供带照片的身份证件进行验证.   This access may be revoked at any time by completing the Revoke Access form. 

FERPA权利授予18岁以下学生的家长 transfer to the student when he or she turns 18 or enters a postsecondary institution. 欧亚体育的学生,无论年龄大小,都为自己保留FERPA权利除非学生为家长或其他个人填写了FERPA补助金访问表.

Directory Information may be released without individual authorization, 因为它通常不被认为是有害的或侵犯隐私,如果披露.  如果您希望限制您的目录信息的发布,请填写 Disclosure Form.


4. How do I find my student ID number?

您的OC学生证号码包含在您的录取通知书中(从2017年8月开始), and is printed at the top of your schedule/invoice. To look up your ID number, please see these steps.


5. Where do I go to register?

请从201 W主校区索尔斯伯里校园中心的牧马人快递中心开始. University Blvd at Robertson Ave.  他们会帮助你开始,并引导你到适当的领域. 


6. How do I request a transcript?

Please visit our Transcript page to order a transcript.  这里有两个链接:第一个用于如果您需要邮寄成绩单(仅限纸质)并且您知道您的学生登录名和密码.  如果您需要数字/电子成绩单,请使用第二个链接, 如果您不知道您的学生登录名和密码,则需要隔夜(联邦快递)运送纸质成绩单.  你也可以亲自到档案室领取成绩单.


7. What is the status of my transcript request?

您可以通过登录查看成绩单申请的状态 National Student Clearinghouse


8. How do I get an enrollment verification?

If your employer needs a verification, 他们必须通过国家学生信息中心提交申请.  如果你需要一个保险或其他学校,你可以通过申请 Wrangler Portal, under Enrollment Verifications.  Be sure to include the complete address to which it is to be mailed.


9. I need to change my schedule – who do I contact

All registrations, including adding or dropping courses, are conducted with your Academic Success Coach (advisor).  Please contact the Pathways Advising Center, located in the Saulsbury Campus Center, at (432) 335-6433 or by email to to reach your Coach.  NOTE: Courses are never 通过电话删除或添加,所以给你的教练发电子邮件或拜访是必要的.



10. What happens if I don’t pay my bill?

所有注册费用必须在每学期课程表规定的时间内全额缴纳. 学生有责任放弃或退出任何课程,学生没有支付或不打算参加. 

不再上课并不自动构成退学, 学生给老师的退学通知也是如此. 学生未能完成退学/退学程序的成绩为“F”.”


11. 我如何获得其他大学的成绩单以获得转学学分?

Click here for the request form. 优先考虑正在申请经济援助的学生, 需要一门课程转入TSI(德州成功计划)的要求, 或计划在欧亚体育完成学位或证书的学生.  在完成全面评估之前,学生必须在欧亚体育获得6个SCH.


12. 我如何知道什么会从OC转到另一所学院或大学?

如果你要转到德克萨斯州的另一所学院或大学,请参考 看看你的OC学分与德州其他学校的课程相比如何. 使用该网站提供的矩阵,将每所学校提供的课程进行并排比较. If you are planning to transfer, 你应该尽早和你在欧亚体育的学业成功教练(顾问)谈谈. 


13. How do I change my name, address or contact information?

您必须提供显示您以前姓名的真实法庭文件(结婚或离婚证明), a new social security card, and driver’s license showing your new or changed name.

  • How do I change my address? Click here.
  • How do I update my new phone number or email address?  Anyone in Student Services can assist you by phone.  Just call (432) 335-6400. OR log into the Wrangler Portal and select user options to change your phone/email. 


14. How do I change my residency status?

Visit the Residency Information and rules. Click here to complete the form.

请填写表格,并将过去12个月(如果您从州外身份更改)或6个月(如果您从区外身份更改)的所有证明文件带到记录办公室.  在当前任期的人口普查日期之前批准的申请将影响当前任期.  After census date, it will affect the next sequential term.


15. How do I replace a grade?

Grades for courses taken at OC remain on your transcript, but if you repeat the same course at OC, 你可以要求从你的GPA计算中删除先前的成绩.  The most recent grade must remain on your transcript.  To request a GPA update, please click here.


16. How do I confirm for graduation

Log in to Student Planner,单击“毕业”选项卡,然后单击要确认的学位或证书.  Complete the required information and click Submit. 

毕业指导老师会在几周内给你发邮件,告知你的具体状态, so watch your student emails carefully!  Click here for a short video.  Graduation information is updated here.


17. How do I get a replacement certificate or diploma? I graduated from Odessa College.

Complete the attached form.  There is a $15.00 fee per replacement item.  请致电(432)335-6419至OC商务办公室缴纳费用,并在表格上填写收据号码.

Please allow 48 hours for processing. 


18. 我如何查看我的德州高中同等学历证书(TxCHSE/GED)?

For individuals who completed the TxCHSE (GED) in Texas, you can look up your verification and print it from this link.  对于其他州,请在网上查找您所在州的教育机构以找到正确的链接.  请在正常办公时间内将证明文件带到档案室.